There’s a song playing, I’ve no idea who the singer is, the refrain of which is, ‘love makes a fool of us all’. And as so often with this ‘love’ word we can slide our attention across to the ‘life’ word – life makes a fool of us all – yes indeed! I thought you…
I am back from the 4 day men’s group (Big! Can you imagine – 34 – both young and old) in a house in sparkling wild country near Buxton (Derbyshire), and warm messages from several missing you. Was I caught out? Checking in, I did indeed ‘out’ myself with the very first words I said.…
You’re off to the men’s group, eh Jimmy. To check out what’s going down. To discover the latest buzz words. To identify the enemy. Let’s hope your mission to uncover the uncoverable is successful. For no matter what the sum of present knowledge we might possess (possess?) we continue to push on into the unknown,…
Categories (2024) are:
Different WORDSTALL Categories in the past supported the mainly experimental personal writing in posts. The previous list of Category headings was: Anti-gravity Surgery / Atelier / Catastrophe Games / Echo Effects / Exodus / Fundamental Perversions / Hitting the Potholes / Holy Fool-Hero / In Conversation / Old Men Traveling / On the Street / Out in the Wilderness / Over and Beyond / Tonite at the Coliseum. Some of these still persist or recur as Tag key-words.
The even earlier Category headings for the walkingtalkingwriting blog (2006-2012) have been forgotten, but can be explored if desired via the long tail of monthly posts for those years here.