Apple-tab-span style=”WHITE-SPACE: pre”

How did he, the other one that is, manage to get here? First-footing, as the Scots will have it, with his lady friend and minder Uncle Wally in front, him with a lump of coal, a pinch of salt, and a piece of bread (I think it was bread), and first across the threshold.

Sorry it took me so long to get here too, I said through gritted teeth and thoroughly out of breath from running to catch up. The trouble is when you take a knife or sword with the name “WHITE SPACE” on the blade, what you get are the beginnings of three lines disappearing off to the right instead of paragraphs, off-screen as it is called, so that as far as I know, and anybody else with a PC, all the action is taking place going towards some sharp-pointed vanishing point, or to put it another way, infinity.

Well, the conversation was bound to get back to knives and swords sooner or later, sharp-pointed or sharp-edged, whichever is your preference, but according to Javier Marias’s ‘patriot’ (Your Face Tomorrow, Vol 3, 2009), it is swords which make a far more long-lasting impression, that is if you don’t intend being Sir Death at once, but only Sir Maim or Sir Hurt, somebody with a look on  their face not unlike the man in Rodin’s sculpture the Kiss I shouldn’t doubt.

Gummias, and yatagans, bolos from the Philipines, as well as the kris, he referred to, all part of the Marias litany of weapons, and rapiers of course, the conflict between the devotees of Apple Mac and PC continuing unchecked, and almost as lacking in imagination as the ‘imaginative religiosity’ occurring here towards the south tip of India. Thankfully, the ‘border blasting’ Christian assault planned for Epiphany, and previously referred to a week ago, was washed out by a massive tropical storm on Saturday night and all of Sunday.

So I only found his words by climbing into the HTML, and that is how I have managed to get here, out of breath like I said from running fast to catch up. Superior knowledge you could call it, or simply access to areas denied to others, restricted as they say.  Pity the rest of the world on PC, but then from the Mac perspective the first ten words of his three paragraphs stretching towards infinity might be all they deserve to see, and as for the rest off-screen where anything is possible in the world of what did or did not happen, who cares.

‘Tomorrow in the battle, think on me, and fall thy edgeless sword: despair and die!’ Richard III –  Lady Anne speaks her curse, and, as it happens, also a favourite quote of Marias, and the title to one of his previously published books, the first four words of Shakespeare’s line that is, the rest being hidden from the helpless and baffled victim.



