Entice with Disgust: Shimmer

– "Cassandra meets Martin".

Something I imagined, or something that actually happened? Being one of the girls with our “made-up pleasures” who nobody takes seriously, sometimes it is hard to know. Cassandra – well, everybody has met at least one, and you have already met me, Gaspara’s sister.

But who is Martin?  Pix_2007_078

I will tell you. Martin is the man on a horse who gave me his cloak, the sort of horse men used to go to war on, heavily muscled with thick necks and strong prancing legs. You see statues of them in the city squares, and there will be a warrior figure of some kind sitting on them. Martin is riding by at a slow trot with a sword in his right hand. It is the time before guns, but even if it wasn’t he would have a sword, because Martin is the kind of young man whatever he asked, you would do it instantly without questioning.

When he got of his horse and gave me his cloak, he said- "We need not connect what is he already joined".





