IMAGINED COMMUNITIES, “meanwhile”, literary world

ABOUT Entice with Disgust (Part II):

A conversion story forms the main thrust of Milan Kundera’s argument on the art of the novel in the Saturday Guardian Review. – ‘If I imagine the genesis of the novelist in the form of an exemplary tale, a "myth", that genesis looks to me like a conversion story: Saul becoming Paul; the novelist being born from the ruins of his lyrical world.’ Kundera describes this lyrical world as ‘a certain way of being’ available to us all, the – essentially young – poet being seen as – ‘ … only the most exemplary incarnation of a man dazzled by his own soul and by the desire to make it heard’.

The other voice, the one that calls me – "dirty old man", disapproves of the person that failed to fully live their youth, and now attempts to recapture it in lyric form. Disgust is the response (not the only response but one of the more powerful and always there) to the P-eee word: P for poetry. The ‘Dirty Word’ speaks of an improper conversion: not Saul becoming Paul, but the other way round, Saul becoming Paul. A regression. A misuse of the exemplary tale.

HERE city vagabonds disgust both ways, to and fro, crossing the boundary of the conversion story, at one point poet, at another narrator, neither wholly Saul or Paul, hot with cold, disgust arising both with the novel and with the desirable: thus Entice with Disgust, an erotic world defined, the damp of my hot breath on your cheek.

If I imagine the genesis of this world, the "myth", the form of the exemplary tale looks to me like a different sort of conversion story to that of Saul to Paul, one that is to and fro: a crossing of boundaries conversion story.

Sisyphus rolling his stone up the hill, and always finding it there back down at the bottom at the beginning of each day, is an exemplary crossing of boundaries conversion story, a tale of Hope (Hope as defined by Václav Havel – see ak’s Post last week). But the Sisyphus story lacks the erotic spice of Entice with Disgust. To bring the erotic world into the crossing of boundaries conversion story, the "myth", 36vishnu5721I imagine going further east:

Vishnu, criss-crossing between the heavens and the world, and as Bhu Varaha, for the love of the earth in the shape of the loveliest of young women, taking the form of the boar, the most defiled, the one of all the beasts that (according to story) induces in man  the most intense feelings of revulsion and disgust.

HERE city vagabonds Entice with Disgust…

… and HERE city vagabonds also ‘leak’, and leakiness always deepens disgust. How we leak is the subject of Part III.

Let me entice you on.





