More on entice/disgust

The OED suggests that entice may derive from the Old French enticier, to set on fire, which in turn was an alteration to titio, the Latin for firebrand.
That seems about right!
I can identify with the idea of being something rather like dry tinder, except, come to think of it, it’s not dry, so let’s say, rather like petrol or some other highly flammable liquid. A substance that requires only the addition of a spark to burst into out of control flames.
Yes, yes! That’s me, ever on the lookout for that spark.
Unless I’m tired and then it’s off to bed to prepare another volatile mixture for the following day.
What the fire needs is oxygen and here’s the link with inspiration. An inspiring idea, a speech will deliver increased amounts of oxygen to the system. What this seems to be saying is that we yearn to live more–more fully, more deeply, to experience the highs of living.
Ah, so now’s the time to bring in disgust.
Disgust and its close ally, corruption: much in the news at the moment. Or more to the point corruption is never out of the news.
The food on the plate looks so enticing and I’m so hungry.
Yet in a day or two that oh so enticing food is reduced to a turd awaiting examination in the toilet bowl. Like any of our productions it’s worth at least a cursory glance, a brief fascination with this thing that’s come out of our bodies. But catch a whiff of it–yukk! And it’s time to put some distance between it and me.
Turning to another major object of desire: sex. In the earlier stages of my sexual experience, ejaculation, orgasm, was often followed by a brief(ish) visit from disgust, at which point I would want to escape–the woman, the room, get some fresh air, be free.
It was as though I had to learn to hold the physical act of sex within a bigger feeling of love. In other words, lust needed to have a place within love, or it would lead to me doing a runner.




