They say that a journey begins with the first step; suddenly that first step appears to be both full and empty at the same time: an act of courage (Simone Weil) and a letting go of all connection with every step taken in the past.
How do we let go of a past that has finished?
No, no we plead, my life wasn’t supposed to be like this; I have to get back to what my life is supposed to be.
I wonder if Tony Blair ever allows himself the thought, that the Iraq adventure was a ghastly nightmare of a mistake and . . . no, no we didn’t plan it to be like this, we just have to hang on . . . who will help him think about it? I doubt if President Bush will.
Not only was the wrong man on death row (as often seems the case – Guardian Weekend magazine 23.9.06) but there must be a strong case for certain political leaders to spend time there.
no time for anger