Ty shpionka?
Are you a spy, the man asked him on the radio this morning during the first of the two interrogations of the ‘Bourgeois Wrecker’ which were transmitted today – The interrogator must have struggled heroically through the thick snows from the capital to reach the secret location of the ‘English Country House’ on the large estate where the wrecker was being held (or ‘Deliberate Falsifier’… from any number of alternative epithets for these designated enemies of the people) for the broadcast to go out – those were not the exact words the man used, but the meaning of his questions were clear:
Are you an agent for good or for bad?
Is your organisation an agency for good or bad?
On the radio in the background you could hear what sounded like a wood fire crackling, a cosy fireside chat you might initially be lead to think, but the ‘acoustic sequence’ for this Hörbilder was more likely trying to give some evidence of these harsher circumstances; that the ‘English Country House’ central heating was completely unable to cope with the cold threatening to engulf its residents, and old-fashioned methods were being used to keep a single ‘sitting room’ warm, as if within a radio thriller- Cold War – mystery play, where at night the house occupants flit like wraiths along silent corridors from cold, cavernous bathrooms to even colder bedrooms (or cells) where ice has permanently formed on the inside of the windows, before the uncovering of a crime of sexual wrong-doing in the light of the following day.
I am a publisher, the other man replied slowly in an american accent indicating his continental foreign-ness, before going on to make his claim to be heard for the sake of transparency and accountability, for Justice…
We take note here of these Wiki-leak claims, because here we too are a BLOG, and thereby part of that publishing community which is now sometimes also called the ‘Fifth Estate’, in order to distinguish it from those other Estates which surround it… and perhaps do not always wish it well; the executive, the legislative, the judicial branches (including those of ‘security’), and the media.
… a further detail; the ‘English Country House’ estate was said to be improbably located some distance beyond the East Midlands in a direction towards Russia.
Meanwhile, the light is thrown against dark, the whiteness contrasts against the pits of black, and Mackay himself has not been seen for several days – No! Untrue! – there was one report of a man fitting his description being seen in the worker’s party that was sent out yesterday after the latest heavy falls to shovel away the snow in order to keep the road clear for the official cars of the Central Organisation of the Archiv.