Always trying to find a place to stand

During yoga practice ( usually at the beginning) I endeavour to (re)find the way of standing in which I sense a verticality of muscular/skeletal connection. It comes when I've got my feet 'sorted out' – heel, outside edge and ball of foot in good contact with the ground. The result is a flow of connection from feet, up through legs, spine to crown of head. Shoulders relax; I'm alive and easy, light and balanced.

Like planets orbiting some sun, a variety of psychological/emotional aspects circle a me, an ego, some central identity: faith, critical thought, reason, 'I'm passionate about . . .', the unconscious, irony, humour, and all the rest. A spectrum of attractive/unattractive, another of comfortable/uncomfortable draw me this way and that.
I cannot live without faith.
I cannot live without reason.
Left and right. Nought and one. Being and not-being. Balance and off-balance. I believe and I doubt.
Me and other.




