Part of the work . . .

How easy it can be to pick up a book, to respond to the demand of read-me, except, of course, there are there are many which are not easy. They demand work and I have to work hard at them, and they can be not easy in as many ways as there are books to be read. Let's not mention the vast numbers of books piling up, calling to me to jump in, read me, such riches await you.

Currently there are half a dozen with varied bits of paper acting as bookmarks with which I am engaged:

Roberto Bolano 2666
Rainer Maria Rilke Duino Elegies
Gaston Bachelard The Poetics of Space
Slavoj Zizek How to Read Lacan
Jorie Graham Sea Change
Martin Heidegger Basic Writings

Ummm, one novel, two poetry, two philosophy, and Zizek . . . the overlap between psychoanalytic and philosophy, perhaps – but actually Bachelard operates in the same overlap though very differently.
Intelligence rests on the making of connections, capacity as to memory, capacity as to absorbtion, speed, a certain openness, an absence of sleepiness, recognition of shape, the organisation of data and brightness. Brightness is a beautiful quality.
In the yoga class this morning there was the intense concentration of moving into and out of the breath. The breath being the initiator, the guiding spirit (prana) of the movement. The mind ever present (some hope!) as awareness.
Yesterday in the art class playing (working hard) with space, shape and colour. How to make connections which look right and make sense.



