Tag: Mother Ganga

  • Blue to be Sure – but not the Blue Danube

    Blue to be Sure – but not the Blue Danube

    Playing in’Waltz Time’ – Ummpapa, Ummpapa – but the rhythm section is adding triplets and other faster tempos and we hear far more than four beats to the bar. “The musical component comes first”, we are always saying – remember balance, rhythm and measure. It is simply that here there is an absence of melody…

  • Speaking my mind

    Speaking my mind, living my mind; mind being vast empty tracts, more extensive than the universe of potential that waits without waiting for me to speak, indeed to live. The angel descended and stood quietly, not exactly ignoring me, but on the other hand not making further advance towards me. What do you want of…

  • On Being Peripheral

    On Being Peripheral

    Loitering in the Calcutta metropolis – Kalighat is a forever new city, the Bengal foundation myth is powerful and self-confident, but it breathes a particular kind of newness that is instantly tarnished and decayed each morning sunrise, and centrality of position is simultaneously surrendered . It is another instance of the story of modernity. However,…

Categories (2024) are:

  • ATELIER Work – about-creative-work (in all mediums: text-drawing-sounds-image etc)
  • CLIMATE Action – indications-and-contra-indications
  • DAWDLING – walking-pausing-to-wonder-wandering
  • IN Conversation – companionship-and-connections
  • LA Communita –participatory-collaborative-artivism
  • OTHER than Human – animate-and-inanimate-terrestrial-kin
  • PARANOID Readings – violence-and-fundamental-perversions
  • POLITICAL Readings – mobilisations-affect-polarisations
  • REPARATIVE Readings – inspiring-healing-restorative
  • SHADOW Readings – speculative-and-not-yet-visible-thinking
  • STYLE Readings – scales-and-familiarities
  • TONITE at the Coliseum – live-experiences-performance
  • YOGI (‘Not This-Not That’) – meditation-bhakti-consciousness

Different WORDSTALL Categories in the past supported the mainly experimental personal writing in posts. The previous list of Category headings was: Anti-gravity Surgery / Atelier / Catastrophe Games / Echo Effects / Exodus / Fundamental Perversions / Hitting the Potholes / Holy Fool-Hero / In Conversation / Old Men Traveling / On the Street / Out in the Wilderness / Over and Beyond / Tonite at the Coliseum. Some of these still persist or recur as Tag key-words.

The even earlier Category headings for the walkingtalkingwriting blog (2006-2012) have been forgotten, but can be explored if desired via the long tail of monthly posts for those years here.