Ah! You seem to have caught me unawares, and I am not at my best. I bowed low, sweeping my hat from my head in a wide arabesque. I staggered. I fell.
I confess that I have been tippling these recent years, or rather I prefer to call it experimenting. Alcohol of course, that 'Spirit of Life'. Or thiopental when it is more of an anaesthetic I need. Or sodium amytal, when the world has so blurred over, there is no other way to separate the swirling mix of fact and fantasy.
Speech over. I was in faith uncertain in which direction I was travelling, or was it we, I forget now, the moral direction of course, towards a good or a bad end. In faith, whatever, but precious this moment, these helping hands, and kind people taking their time to see me back on my feet, and ask in such kind voices about my health.
The hat has appeared back on my head, and whatever else had fallen from my bags has been restored, all the loose papers somehow pushed back in, along with an odd sock and whatever else, pressed in among the pots and pans. Indeed I have been recomposed, and I have set off again.
A cheery wave, and zig-zag fuzzy, vertigo and nystagmus, the eyes darting from side to side, You and I, and what has appeared to be life's unequal struggle, another speech was coming on, Fellow humans.
The metal shining man was bearing down at speed on the figure kneeling in the road, the shaft of his head beams coming to a point of focus at the mouth that had opened to receive the converging light.