A beginning for waverequiem is now available to read. It’s on the weblog of the same name that describes itself as – "THISISABOOK by max mackay-james" .
A fictional memoir, meaning that it is linked to Notebooks written over two years between August 2004 and August 2006.
And sung, meaning an ‘opera’ (Prelude and 3 Acts), music and song, and more than one voice. More than one voice, singing in Italian as well as in English. In the Prelude the Italian is coming from the opening scenes of the orchestral work by Emilio de Cavaleri. It is said 31 cardinals of the Catholic church attended the first performance in Rome in 1600. It is also said that this work is the first opera in the modern sense.
It therefore has the life of the vagabond, that is both sacred (peneta) and profane, being both a ceremony and an entertainment. What might be called a Ritual.