CITY NOTEBOOKS: Please will you bring one out for ISTANBUL

You’ll know I use those moleskin black notebooks, Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
well ‘somewhat smugly’ not so long ago I was buying three at a branch of Waterstones bookshop (ie expensive @ £8.99 each. Even on a ‘3 for 2’ deal, the sales attendant replied to my ‘somewhat smugly’ remark about it therefore being worth it – "Well, I don’t call that cheap mate").
… And stripping off the cellophane and yellow wrapper around one of my new moleskin notebook, and having put the words ‘CLAN WARFARE’ in capitals and red ink on the front page – there was the relief of getting back to writing after almost a week being blown away visiting Scotland last week –
… When out dropped a small postcard, ‘somewhat smugly’ announcing – "Moleskin introduces the new City Notebooks, the first guidebook you write yourself". – "Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Dublin… etc (out now)" came next, then – "Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles.. etc (from Spring 2007), and so on. It was obvious where this was going, and sure enough down at the bottom was
… And exploring the weblog within the site, I clicked all ‘somewhat smugly’ on the words&writers heading before I sent an email to info@moleskin./com to ask them to bring out a City Notebook for ISTANBUL.
Of course ak prefers the Paperchase notebook du bon prix.



