You know how the government like
to take a filthy blunt screwdriver to our minds; threaten us with some horrific
medicine because we’ve messed up, spent too much money, taken out dodgy loans
that there’s no way we can ever repay and then to cap it all, we have, with
much or little reluctance, done as instructed and taken ourselves off to vote
and here’s the result: Pinky and Perky. Who would have credited it! Pinky and
Perky with machetes and flame-throwers, hoods pulled well over their faces. As
though we don’t know who they really are. Come on, give us a break, summer’s
here and the World Cup is on the telly. And all we can see are young virile
footballers – the cream of their generation – struggling round the field, blood
dripping, blood gushing from the wounds of war, one leg, no legs . . .
We told you, things are going to
get worse, for all of us, life is never going to be the same again, the
medicine has to hurt for it to be effective, this hurts us more than it hurts
you, we don’t like to do this to you, after all we are not a bunch of sadistic