WordStall is a new writing project. If you pressed me, I’d call what we write creative, creative non-fiction… if that had a meaning that made any sense (which it doesn’t).
WordStall feels to me to exist in a fluid continental location somewhere between the mitteleuropa feuilleton and street performance art, and – while our old wtw blog created a magnificent writing atelier it was basically unreadable by/unfollowable for anyone else – its main purpose is to attract readers.
Are there any concrete examples of creative, creative non-fiction or ‘Friends of Wordstall’ which could help us describe and locate the Typology capable of this sort of attractive power? Try this short clip from a new work under the umbrella of Opera Erratica. A delightfully watchable mix of magic and tom-foolery, I am looking forward to going to a performance by the exaudi choir in London on Dec 11th. I think it perfectly demonstrates the style of work we also aspire to create here at Wordstall (even if at times we lack the sleight of hand and technical wizardry!).