‘Quiet woman,’ he said. ‘When did you last confess.’ ‘Two days ago.’ The sparrows were twittering; they pecked at the wind-blown leaves, and twittered. So, here you are, the visitor from hell, and you have even taken the name B@! I should have wailed but I held back, the anxiety picking at my bones.…
Categories (2024) are:
Different WORDSTALL Categories in the past supported the mainly experimental personal writing in posts. The previous list of Category headings was: Anti-gravity Surgery / Atelier / Catastrophe Games / Echo Effects / Exodus / Fundamental Perversions / Hitting the Potholes / Holy Fool-Hero / In Conversation / Old Men Traveling / On the Street / Out in the Wilderness / Over and Beyond / Tonite at the Coliseum. Some of these still persist or recur as Tag key-words.
The even earlier Category headings for the walkingtalkingwriting blog (2006-2012) have been forgotten, but can be explored if desired via the long tail of monthly posts for those years here.