walkingtalkingwriting the Wessex Ridgeway again with James Crowden, and companions on the "Creative Walking" Artsreach programme, beginning at the Thorncombe Village Hall; walking – a damp day trudge and rain arriving soon, the decision to return to the Village Hall by noon; talking – but first a box of second hand books in the lobby of the Village Hall with a  "Help Yourself" sign, and found a hardback copy of the ESSENTIAL WORKS OF SOCIALISM, edited by Irving Howe, New York (1970); writing – James suggested poetry, perhaps we would like to try a cinquain (22 syllables – that "peak in the third line like a breaking wave"). So tried these social realism cinquain MANIFESTOS:

SUBLIME walkingtalkingwriting

1. walking

isn’t good for

writing. Real walking isn’t

talking much either: shut up and


2. walking

isn’t good for

writing. Protest against,

siren wail and Iraq-bound chinouk

drowned out.

3. walking

isn’t good for

writing. For training in

literature, green gym therapy, go


4. walking

isn’t good for

writing. Waste of effort

trying to find the fine views why

we must.

5. walking

isn’t good for

writing. Up to this point

and beyond it, the next step and

the next.




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