In the mud, again


Of course governments of whatever colour don’t like democracy – not really – only as a PR jibe against other governments that appear less democratic than themselves. One could think of the current state of democracy (say in Europe) as an achieved benchmark or high water mark – achieved so far in the teeth of the wrath of unelected dictators, war lords and other unpleasant people with an eye to power. But actually we are merely on the naughty step at the bottom of the stairs. A bit like Jeremy Corbyn we need to insist on our right to stay on the naughty step and not be persuaded by the honeyed advertising-speak of slimy lawyers or fuck-a-pig Camerons or even Os-don’t believe a word I say if you’ve got any sense-borne.

What do you think? Is it time that we took a step up? It is true that to build a democracy we have to spend time on the naughty step, maligned and hated, yes, in the gale of abuse that hurtles down on us from our betters. And, yes there is a need to heave ourselves off the naughty step and up towards a greater sense of agency in a democratic setting. 

To not only survive the abuse but to shrug off the bad mouthing (at best) and climb hazardously on to the next step. Dizzying stuff, I suspect.

Where am I, do you ask?

Probably asking myself, do I dare get back on the naughty step and be seen, perhaps even with the mud washed off.



